Dissertation Abstracts Online is a perfect subject, title, and author guide to practically every dissertation abstract accepted at an recognized institution. Selected Masters theses have been included since 1962. In addition, since 1988, the database includes documents for dissertations from 50 British universities that have been collected by and filmed at The British Document Supply Centre. Beginning with DAIC Volume 49, Number 2 (Spring 1988), citations and abstracts from Section C, Worldwide Dissertations (formerly European Dissertations), have been included in the file.
Abstracts are included for doctoral records from July 1980 (Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume 41, and Number 1) to the present. Abstracts are included for masters theses from spring 1988 (Masters Abstracts, Volume 26, Number 1) to the present.
Subject Coverage
ü Agriculture
ü Astronomy
ü Biological and Environmental Sciences
ü Business and Economics
ü Chemistry
ü Education
ü Engineering
ü Fine Arts and Music
ü Geography and Regional Planning
ü Geology
ü Health Sciences
ü History and Political Science
ü Language and Literature
ü Library and Information Science
ü Mathematics and Statistics
ü Philosophy and Religion
ü Physics
ü Psychology and Sociology
Individual, degree-granting institutions submit copies of dissertations abstract and theses completed to University Microfilms International (UMI). Citations for these dissertations are included in the database and in University Microfilms International print publications: Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI), American Doctoral Dissertations (ADD), Comprehensive Dissertation Index (CDI), and Masters Abstracts International (MAI). A list of cooperating institutions can be found in the preface to any volume of Comprehensive Dissertation Index, Dissertation Abstracts International, or Masters Abstracts International.
Print Counterparts
ü Dissertation Abstracts International
ü American Doctoral Dissertations
ü Comprehensive Dissertation Index
ü Masters Abstracts International
Database Content
ü Bibliographic Records
Document Types Indexed
ü Theses and Dissertations
Geographic Coverage
ü International
Geographic Restrictions
ü None